Optimus vs Megatron by REX203 by RobotJapan on DeviantArt

Transmetal 2 Battle: Optimal Optimus Vs The New Megatron.

Transformers 2 Optimus Prime Vs Megatron

Megatron has transformed into a dragon mode in a few Transformers stories, beginning back in the Beast Wars cartoon, and he even had a two-headed dragon mode in Robots in Disguise. However, the.

Optimus Vs Megatron by LucianoRomanJr on DeviantArt

Magic: The Gathering TCG Deck - Optimus vs. Megatron: Optimus by Drew Knapp. 'Optimus vs. Megatron: Optimus' - constructed deck list and prices for the Magic: The Gathering Trading Card Game from TCGplayer Infinite! Created By: Drew Knapp. Event: Rank: Commander. Market Price: $67.91. Cards. Idyllic Beachfront.

Optimus Prime Vs Megatron Wallpaper (66+ images)

Nothing exemplifies this better than Megatron's response to Optimus Prime's death in Transformers Vol. 5: "Breakdown". Optimus Prime is dead and the Autobots mourn his passing. But none as much as Megatron who has a literal nervous breakdown over the event. NEXT: 5 Things That Were Great About Transformers: The Movie (& 5 That Really Sucked)

Optimus Prime Vs Megatron

Any size difference, if there is one with Optimal Optimus, is negated, both opponents are the same size. The planet they're on is indestructible, the…

Daily Prime TransMetal II POTP Optimal Optimus VS Legacy Megatron

BW Megatron vs. Old School Optimus is an exercise in futility for the bad guys. Shadow WarChief Chaos Priest. Jul 2, 2001 #8 Originally posted by Deathbringer. but that wasn't dragon megs now was it? It was optimal megs. (megs in a version of optimal optimus). And besides, even then, optimus had to sacrifice himself to win that..

WfC OPTIMUS VS MEGATRON by xenominer123 on DeviantArt

optimaloptimas2023. optimal_optimus_2023. beastwarstransformers MAY' hem Monday Part 3. 🔴🔵🟠🦍🤖Optimal Optimas (Optimus Primal)🤖🦍🟠🔵🔴. Vs. 🔴🟡🟠🐉⚡Megatron Predacon transmetal II Dragon⚡🐉🟠🟡🔴. I did put in some special effects to give this scene more Detailed and Cartoony in 2023.

Optimus Prime Vs Megatron by itripto1234 on DeviantArt

Their final fight during Endgame in TFA. It was the first time Megatron even acknowledged Optimus as an individual and an equal worthy of his attention. And also the fact that at the end you can see a lot of battle damage on them both. With the other fights it's either not present at all or hard to make out.

MEGATRON vs OPTIMUS PRIME by ReggieBear19 on DeviantArt

2 "One Shall Fall". Part 1 of Prime' s epic Season 1 finale, "One Shall Fall," took advantage of the series' photorealistic art-style to give fans the kind of Optimus and Megatron clash the Bay movies had so long denied them. RELATED: Transformers: 10 Best Quotes From Megatron. The two rivals alternate between guns, swords, and fists, but the.

Snagged a POTP Optimal Optimus to go with my Dragon Megatron! r/transformers

1,500 Optimus Optimal or T2 Megatron Character Shards; 1,000 4-Star Shards; 4,000 3-Star Shards; 20,000 Premium Character Shards; 125,000 Spark;. From the raging elemental fires of a Transwarp pulse/detonation Transmetal 2 Megatron arose, remade in a fearsome dragon form. In sheer power and ferocity, he now rivaled his namesake, the Megatron.

Megatron and Optimus by ff_dragon Transformers Decepticons, Transformers Comic, Autobots

Megatron sent Blackarachnia, Waspinator and Terrorsaur on a plan to blow a hole in the bottom of the Axalon.They failed. A Better Mousetrap On another occasion, Scorponok used a Cyberbee to infect Optimus Primal with a venom to turn the Maximal leader into a coward. The first Megatron knew of its failure was when Cheetor radioed the Predacon base to warn them that an enraged Optimus was on his.

Optimus Prime vs Megatron, in Nathan Stacy's Robert Atkins Comic Art Gallery Room

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Optimus Prime vs Megatron First battle by Naihaan on DeviantArt

Maybe it has some divine energy that allowed Primal to become Optimal Optimus. However, while he is undoubtedly very powerful compared to your average Transformer, G1 Megatron has not really been shown to be anything but a normal Transformer like basically everyone else. How does his spark cause BW Megatron to evolve into his dragon form?

DOTM Optimus VS Megatron by Diovega on DeviantArt

Optimal Optimus vs Dragon Megatron (season 3) Serious Assuming the former is actually a competent fighter like S1+2 and not the bumbling idiot he is in S3. To the level of 'death' seen when Dinobot 1 dies. Archived post. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Share Sort by:.

Dragonformers Megatron and Optimus by Londonox on DeviantArt

The epic final battle between "Megatron" & "Optimus Primal" for the fate of Cybertron. Part 2

Optimus vs Megatron by Teridax1234 on DeviantArt

Transformers Optimal Optimus and Dragon Megatron. Related Topics Armored Core Action game Gaming comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment. More posts you may like. r/armoredcore • Armored Core VI (Zero Punctuation).
