Technical universities of applied sciences (German: Technische Hochschulen) are somewhat equivalent to the technical universities. They, too, focus on technical subjects and often have great reputations in the STEM subject group, which means the subject group of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

Why Study at the HAN University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands? INOMICS

TTK University of Applied Sciences (TTK UAS) is a state professional higher education institution, offering competitive professional higher education and applied research in the fields of technology, production, civil engineering, logistics, economics, and welfare. TTK UAS is the largest university of applied sciences in Estonia, currently educating about 3000 students which makes TTK UAS the.

The Hague University of Applied Sciences

The Carinthia University of Applied Sciences cooperates with more than 160 institutions of higher education worldwide. Open-minded and without borders, the CUAS is located at the intersection of three cultures in the Alps-Adriatic Region and is very close to Italy and Slovenia. We offer not only our Austrian but also our international students.

University of Applied Sciences (UAS), Frankfurt agn Architekten Ingenieure Generalplaner

On this page you will find the competence-oriented profile description of a Bachelor of Science in the Applied Science Domain - a dynamic document providing details of education programmes and occupations within this domain.. lectureship or university of applied science? Have a look at the map Applied Sciences programmes. Chemical Engineering;

IU International University of Applied Sciences University Info 17 Masters in English

Turku University of Applied Sciences develops industrial metaverse based on a Nokia solution. 6.3.2024. Turku UAS strengthens its international network cooperation in Europe. 5.3.2024. Fulbright Research and Teaching Opportunity at Turku UAS. 20.2.2024.

Hanze University of Applied Sciences AZ Partner Institutions RGU

While deeply regionally rooted, universities of applied sciences have a strong international orientation, often integrating study terms or internships abroad into the curriculum. UAS7 has three offices on three continents. Our seven university members count more than 1,000 international partnerships around the world, providing ample.

CODE University of Applied Sciences

EUREF-Campus cooperation. In order to train professionals for the challenges posed by the energy transition in Germany, Hochschule Düsseldorf - University of Applied Sciences plans to establish new continuing education master's programmes for German and international students. Older news are deposited in the archives:

Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences Magellan

UAS7 Member Universities. The UAS7 member universities are among the leading Universities of Applied Sciences in Germany. They feature applied interdisciplinary education formats and excel in applied research, as well as high-quality teaching. With a strong focus on internationalization, UAS7 universities are seminal, innovative higher.

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The courses offered consist of more than 50 innovative Bachelor's, Master's, and vocational training courses in the fields of Life and Engineering Sciences, Design, Business Studies, IT, and Communications. The study courses are designed to be practice-oriented, interdisciplinary, and flexible, and are also characterized by strong links to.

IU International University of Applied Sciences University Info 4 Bachelors in English

UAS7 offers the possibility to experience the practice-oriented education at our seven member universities of applied sciences for U.S. and Canadian undergraduates, as well as students from our partner universities in Brazil. Some graduate student opportunities are available also. In three different program lines, students can choose to study.

IC University of Applied Sciences Amsterdam

Welcome to the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt Where innovation, diversity and community all come together! Its diversity, with students from varied backgrounds, extensive projects both local and global, partnerships with about 100 universities worldwide, and cross-disciplinary collaboration, distinguishes University of Applied Sciences Erfurt (FH Erfurt or FHE) as a remarkable institution.

International University of Applied Sciences Course Equivalency Guide StraighterLine

35 Bachelor's and Master's degree programs. 125 professors, 390 lecturers, about 100 researchers and 3850 students. At Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences, we all work on the future every day. Climate expertise, resilience and networking form the basis for making the world of today and tomorrow a better place with qualified solutions.

Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS) Student Exchange Spring 2020 ITS Global Engagement

Welcome to Schmalkalden University. About 3000 students in the Faculties of Business and Economics, Business Law, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering are currently enjoying the numerous opportunities which studying in Schmalkalden offers. Various university rankings show that our students can enjoy high-quality.

University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria

The Hague University of Applied Sciences (THUAS) offers more than 100 degree programmes over several locations in The Hague, Delft and Zoetermeer. Explore further and see if THUAS has a programme to suit you. Quick to. Open Day. Shadow a student. All degree programmes. THUAS Pro. Our education Check programmes per type.

Neubau Gebäude 7 für den Fachbereich 2 der Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences

Studying at TH Köln/University of Applied Sciences is learning through projects that awaken students' curiosity and stimulate sustainable learning processes. Through research- and problem-based as well as project-oriented learning, students gain insight into scenarios that potentially reflect situations of their future professional life..

University Of Applied Sciences Ranking Germany

Welcome to HM Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences. Each year, more than 2,500 international students and researchers join our academic community in one of Germany's most beautiful, historic, and high-tech cities. We offer the best possible support to help you feel at home in Germany, in Munich, and at our university.
